Este curso el AMPA "Santa Florentina" ha vuelto a promover la concienciación en Igualdad en nuestro alumnado. Así ha participado de nuevo en el "Calendario Violeta" que se entregó al principio de curso. Normalmente las acciones se realizan en enero. Este año, como todo, hemos tenido que cambiar la fecha de las celebraciones y las ubicamos en abril. Así que hemos aprovechado para celebrar la festividad del día del libro con éstas actividades.
Los primeros en disfrutarlas fueron nuestr@s alumn@s de Ed.Infantil. Se lo pasaron muy bien con los cuentos y las dinámicas que se desarrollaron en las dos sesiones.
This school year, the AMPA "Santa Florentina", has once again promoted awareness of Equality in our students. Thus, it has participated again in the "Violet Calendar" which was delivered at the beginning of the school year. Normally the actions are carried out in January. This year, like everything else, we have had to change the date of the celebrations and place them in April. So we have taken the opportunity to celebrate Book Day with these activities.
The first to enjoy them were our Infant School students. They had a great time with the stories and the dynamics that took place in the two sessions.
The same day, after recess, the boys and girls of 4th Primary were also working on the values of Equality and Respect, as well as having a lot of fun with dynamics and a piece of cloth.
We would like to thank the AMPA "Santa Florentina" for their collaboration in our Educational Project and the "Agranda la Olla" Team.
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