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sábado, 4 de junio de 2022



El 18 y 19 de mayo, tuvimos la suerte de poder disfrutar del programa Badminton+ de la mano de Manuel Caperote, que vino, desde el vecino Villanueva a mostrar a l@s niñ@s de nuestra escuela, un nuevo deporte, que tiene muy buena cantera en el club de Villanueva. 



On the 18th and 19th May, we were lucky enough to be able to enjoy the Badminton+ programme with Manuel Caperote, who came from neighbouring Villanueva to show the children from our school a new sport, which has a very good pool of players in the Villanueva club. 

Los grupos de segundo y tercer ciclo, disfrutaron de una sesión conjunta de una hora y media, cada uno, en la que se hicieron ejercicios de acercamiento a este deporte, su técnica y el manejo de la raqueta  battledore y el volante.

Agradecer a Manuel su visita  a nuestro colegio y deseando que vuelva a venir.


The groups of second and third cycle, enjoyed a joint session of an hour and a half, each one, in which they did exercises of approach to this sport, its technique and the handling of the battledore racket and the shuttlecock.

We would like to thank Manuel for his visit to our school and hope that he will come again.

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